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Densho’s Artist-in-Residence Program

Densho is first and foremost a history organization but as we have gotten more vocal about today’s political climate, we’ve become more acutely aware of the fact that art can…

Give BIG to Densho on May 9th

Do you love the stories we share at Densho? Use our digital archives and educational materials? Appreciate the insightful analysis, on-the-ground advocacy, and fire clapbacks we deliver online and IRL?…

Day of Remembrance 2018: Our History, Our Responsibility

Join us this February 19th for a Day of Remembrance event to honor Japanese Americans of World War II and stand in solidarity with American Muslims today. During World War II,120,000…

This is What We Talk About When We Talk About Community Archives

Stereotypes of archivists as bespectacled introverts navigating unending caverns of file cabinets and stacks are largely exaggerated. But it’s true that, as a lot, we generally enjoy our quiet time…

This is Not a Test

Statement from Densho Director Tom Ikeda For decades, “Never Again” has been a rallying cry for many Japanese Americans. Invoking these words reminds us of the trauma of our own…

Support for Muslim Association of Puget Sound

Earlier this month, community leaders, including Densho director Tom Ikeda, gathered at Redmond’s Muslim Association of Puget Sound (MAPS) mosque to dedicate a new sign, replacing one that had been…

Densho’s First Annual Scholars Roundtable

This weekend, a group of scholars working on World War II Japanese American incarceration history convened in Seattle for a roundtable event hosted by Densho and co-convened by Eric Muller,…

Tom Ikeda: “Why Densho Matters to Me”

Twenty years ago when Densho started, I began interviewing Japanese Americans about what it was like being incarcerated during World War II. To help me become a better interviewer I…

Do You Have a Relative Who Was Interviewed by Densho?

Twenty years ago, we set out with the goal of recording and preserving stories of World War II incarceration so that future generations could learn from them. That mission is…

Sign up for the May 2016 Densho Digital Teach-In

Far too many Americans are completing primary, secondary, and even college education without learning about a critical moment in our shared history: the World War II mass incarceration of 120,000…

2016 Day of Remembrance Events

When the first Day of Remembrance was held in Seattle in November 1978, the event was staged as part of the Redress Movement seeking an official apology and monetary compensation for…

Densho Teach-In

[Update, March 14, 2016: Due to the overwhelming popularity of our first Digital Teach-In, we’ve scheduled a second one to be held May 1-6, 2016. Sign up here and please…

Gidra: Now Available Online

By Brian Niiya, Densho Content Director  During its 1969 to 1974 run, Gidra chronicled the dramatic changes in the Asian American community, and was itself a catalyst for many of these…

Scheduled Maintenance on Densho Sites

**Update, 12/15/15, 4:10 PST: The Densho Repository and Encyclopedia are up and running. The site is now fully operational.  **Update, 12/15/15, 12:51 PST: The Densho Archive is now up and…

Winter Appeal 2015

This past summer we hosted Kyle Tanemura as an intern at Densho. Kyle is a bright and affable young man–a computer science major at Cal Poly. He made important contributions…

Allegiance: A Message from Densho Executive Director Tom Ikeda

Japanese American history gained a new national audience this past weekend: Allegiance, a dramatic reenactment of World War II incarceration set at the Heart Mountain concentration camp, opened on Broadway.

Densho Encyclopedia Reaches a Milestone

The Densho Encyclopedia published its 1,000th article this month—a milestone made possible, in part, by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Japanese American Confinement Sites…

Introducing the New Densho Website!

We are delighted to unveil Densho’s latest digital asset: a wonderful new website that we are certain you’ll find to be simpler and easier to navigate than our last site….

Summer Appeal 2015

Become part of a grassroots, community effort to keep the stories of Japanese Americans and their experiences during World War II alive, today and in the future…

Digitization Project Internships

Densho is seeking two to three interns to support our Digitizing Photos for Japanese American Oral Histories Project.

2015 Day of Remembrance Events

Note: All events are free and open to the public except as noted. Some may require reservations; see web links for further information. Densho does not endorse these events, but…

Densho Online Giving Challenge Match for December

Earlier this year, Densho received the Vox Populi Award from the Oral History Association for our online 800+ oral history collection. Following the announcement of this prestigious national award, the…

New Encyclopedia Articles, November 2014

Having worked in museums and similar organizations for most of the last twenty-five or so years, the work they do is close to my heart. Many museum exhibitions have told…

New Encyclopedia Articles, September 2014

In 1987, in the midst of the movement for redress and reparations for the forced removal and incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II, the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum…