The Proposed Lava Ridge Wind Farm at Minidoka Is Part of a Larger—and Ongoing—Pattern of Erasing Marginalized Histories
A proposal to build a 76,000-acre wind farm surrounding the former Minidoka concentration camp threatens to erase the site’s historic legacy.

50 Years Ago, Asian Americans Took a Stand at Wounded Knee
Fifty years ago this spring, American Indian Movement activists began the occupation of Wounded Knee. Over the course of the 71-day occupation, Indigenous activists and allies – including members of the group Asians in Solidarity with Wounded Knee – traveled from across the country to join them in solidarity.
We Need Critical Race Theory in our Schools Now More Than Ever
Acts of racism and violence have been part of American history since its founding and they don’t just exist in the past. We can’t hope to heal from our past — or extinguish racist violence from our present — if we don’t address the problem at its core.
Asian American Anti-Blackness Is Real — and So Is Our Responsibility to End It
It is urgent that we as Nikkei and Asian Americans recommit to the hard and messy work of uprooting the anti-Blackness from within our communities.
Why Japanese Americans Should Join the Fight for Abolition
The last few weeks of protest, sparked by the murder of George Floyd and rising out of 400+ years of slavery, genocide, and other white supremacist and anti-Black violence, have shattered previous ideas of what we thought was possible.
Anti-Asian Violence Isn’t Un-American. It’s a Racist Tradition That Goes Back Over 150 Years.
In the wake of the heinous murders in Atlanta and a sharp uptick in anti-Asian hate crimes, historian Erika Lee delivered an incisive testimony to Congress.

Advocacy & Action
Deepen your own advocacy and learn how new generations are activating this history to say Never Again Is Now. Support these actions from our community partners:
Protect Minidoka from development by the Lava Ridge Wind Farm.
Take Action NowSend testimony in support of reparations and H.R. 40.
Take Action NowSupport the campaign for redress for Japanese Latin Americans.
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