Category: oral history

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Minneapolis Travel

Ten days ago (I know, I know, I am behind in posting!) I was in Minneapolis, Minnesota to present at the Twin Cities JACL Installation Banquet. Minneapolis is historically significant…

New Interviews in the Densho Digital Archive

We recently added eleven new interviews to the Densho Digital Archive (listed below). This includes a new collection, the Watsonville – Santa Cruz JACL Collection, which is comprised of interviews…

Moving Into the HD Era

The Background At Densho, we’ve been shooting our oral histories with digital video since the early days of the technology. Back in 1997, after experimenting with several analog and digital…

Newly Added to the Densho Archive

Just added to the Densho Digital Archive, ten visual history interviews and three photograph collections (listed below). The interviews were conducted during our travels over the summer to Salt Lake…

Unique WWII Nisei Journey

I did an interview in Berkeley with Norm Hirose who had a unique journey during World War II. From Berkeley, Norm’s family was removed and incarcerated at Topaz. When his…

Interviews in Berkeley

When we have the opportunity, it’s always nice to shoot an interview in a person’s home. This provides a comfortable setting as well as a visual contrast from our usual…

Watsonville Interviews – Tom

While in Watsonville I had the opportunity to do four interviews with Jiro Sugidono, Tom Mine, Kiyoko Morey Kaneko, and Mas Hashimoto. Each of these interviews will be a valuable…

Leaving Watsonville

Last night we had a nice dinner with Mas and Marcia Hashimoto of the Watsonville/Santa Cruz JACL. They took us to a restaurant on the Santa Cruz Wharf, and we…

Tom’s Denver Interviews

I am back in Seattle after a whirlwind 5 days in Denver participating at the JANM national conference. There are so many good memories of meeting people, listening to and…

More Interviews

We have collected some really great interviews so far. The narrators (most of whom are conference attendees) come from such different backgrounds and consequently their stories are very diverse. Yesterday…

Interview with James Hirabayashi

I just finished my interview with James Hirabayashi, Professor Emeritus at San Francisco State University (SFSU). Professor Hirabayashi was Dean of the nation’s first school of Ethnic Studies, which started…

Arrival in Denver

We arrived in Denver today for another series of interviews, this time at the Japanese American National Museum’s “Whose America? Who’s American? Diversity, Civil Liberties, and Social Justice” conference. We’re…

First day of interviews

We just finished our first day of interviews here in Salt Lake City. I interviewed Alice Hirai and Ted Nagata, while Tom interviewed Nelson Akagi. Alice was the first interview…

My first interview

I just finished my first Denver interview – with Bessie Konishi. It lasted a little over an hour and we talked about her family’s farm, the Japanese American community in…

Pre-interview with Alfred Miyagishima

I conducted a preliminary phone interview with Alfred Miyagishima yesterday afternoon. I heard he was hard-of-hearing so I called him from our sound-insulated studio so that I could talk loudly…