Category: book review
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Book Review: Red Berries, White Clouds, Blue Sky
By Brian Niiya, Densho Content Director A children’s ebook about incarceration is currently available as part of a free summer reading program being offered by OverDrive, a company that provides…

Book Review: Gasa Gasa Girl Goes to Camp
By Brian Niiya, Densho Content Director As readers of this blog likely know, there is an enormous amount of literature on the World War II era forced removal and incarceration of Japanese…

Garden of Stones and Historical Accuracy
The novel Garden of Stones is marred by many historical inaccuracies/implausibilities, but is a well told story that has no doubt introduced many to the story of Japanese American wartime…

Oddball Camp Stories in Popular Culture: Early Children’s Books
For whatever reason, there has been a flood of children’s and young adult books on various aspects of the wartime incarceration of Japanese Americans in the last decade or so….

Oddball Camp Stories in Popular Culture: California Generation
By Brian Niiya, Content Director, Densho In the work I’ve been doing on the Densho Encyclopedia, I’ve come across quite a number of oddball camp references in mainstream popular culture…

Hello Maggie!: Shig Yabu, Children’s Book Author
As a boy Shig Yabu was taken from his home in San Francisco to the Pomona Assembly Center, California, and the Heart Mountain incarceration camp in Wyoming. While in camp,…

Kooskia Internment Camp Story
This morning Densho staff was surprised to hear one of our interviewees, Tad Sato, included in a local NPR story on the obscure Kooskia internment camp for Issei men. Over…

Blue Skies and Thunder: WWII Nisei Veteran’s Memoir
Densho is bringing World War II veteran Virgil Westdale to Seattle to give a free author talk on Saturday, May 22, at the Densho building (1416 S. Jackson Street) from…

Meet Allen Say – Talented Children’s Book Author
Our friends at the Elliott Bay Book Company here in Seattle tell us that Allen Say, a Caldecott Medal winner for the children’s book Grandfather’s Journey, will speak at the…

Camp Harmony – Author Event
Densho is hosting a book event on December 3 at the Wing Luke Asian Museum in Seattle’s Chinatown-International District neighborhood. Join us for a talk at 6:30pm by Louis Fiset…

Book Event: “Japanese American Resettlement through the Lens”
When Asian American studies scholars visit Seattle, we sometimes invite them to speak in public programs. This Saturday at the Densho building, we will host a author talk by Lane…