May 1, 2018
The stories we’ve collected in our digital archives have taken on urgent relevance in the face of disturbing new parallels to the Japanese American past—and we’ve stepped up our educational programs and public outreach to meet the increased demand for lessons from WWII incarceration. We’re excited about this growth, but we need your help to sustain it.
Your support allows us to digitize newly-discovered collections of Japanese American history, to collaborate with authors, artists, scholars, and journalists who connect us with a wider audience, to get offline and interact with our community, and to pay our fabulous staff and interns a living wage.
If you value the work we do and the stories we share, please show us some BIG love and GiveBIG to Densho between now and May 9th! Every dollar you contribute will be matched 2-to-1 thanks to a grant from the National Park Service, Japanese American Confinement Sites Program.
As a special thank you, all GiveBIG donors will receive a set of five custom-made stamps featuring Gordon Hirabayashi, who would have celebrated his 100th birthday in 2018.
Make a gift of $100 or more and you’ll be entered to win one of several exciting prizes: two guest passes to the Tacoma Art Museum, MOHAI, or the Museum of Flight; two tickets to a performance of Tony-nominated playwright (and Black Panther star!) Danai Gurira’s Familiar at the Seattle Repertory’s Bagley Wright Theatre; a copy of the novel No No Boy by John Okada; or a stylish and sturdy Densho tote bag.
Everything we do here at Densho is a direct result of the tremendous support of community members like you. Whether you’re a first-time contributor or a longtime donor, now is a great time to give to Densho!
To participate in this matching opportunity, you must schedule your gift between now and midnight on May 9th.